How to Replace a Washing Machine DC Motor


If you notice that your washing machine is running too […]

If you notice that your washing machine is running too slowly or if it is making strange noises, it is likely that your washing machine motor is at fault. This issue is not usually an immediate one, but it can happen after a prolonged wash cycle. In addition, if you notice that the motor seems to be moving in one direction, this can be a sign that your motor has blown up or is at risk of blowing up. If this happens, you should get a replacement.

To determine whether the motor is failing, you can check the electrical circuits. The motor is connected to an inverter control circuit 8 and a position sensing element in the motor. Hall IC 11 is used to sense the position and provides a signal to the inverter control circuit. The inverter control circuit will then interrupt operation if it detects an abnormal current.

An AC series motor is usually used in washing machines. This type of motor is similar to a DC series motor, but is modified to run on AC power. While most washing machines today have universal brushed motors with Triode Alternating Current (AC) switch control, the newest generation will feature brushless three-phase motors.

To replace the Washing machine DC Motor, unscrew the front panel of the washer. It will contain two screws and eight tabs. Next, remove the drain cover and drain hose. The drain pump is connected to the washer's motor. The drain pump has sound-isolating mounting washers and a filter to help expel water. To check the drain pump, you'll need a Phillips screwdriver or a 17mm socket wrench and some thread-locking fluid. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the rotor assembly.

This is the most common way to test the motor in a washing machine. A few projects use the original motor, but they often require a seperately sourced variable frequency drive. To ensure that you don't end up with a bad motor, first try to see if the original motor controller can be reused.

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